How to import SOLIDWORKS (or Parasolid, JT, NX, Creo) files into Open CASCADEWhat is Open CASCADEIf you are reading this blog post, you most likely already use Open CASCADE in your app and are well familiar with it. For those who are not, Open CASCADE is an open-source modeling kernel which can be used as a foundation to build 3D apps. In that...
CAD Exchanger is now on Android
10:16 / BY Roman Lygin
CAD Exchanger is now available in Google Play. Free, with in-app purchase (larger file size support, export to B-Rep formats, and more features in the future). OCC 6.9.0+ and Qt (QML) 5.5.0 based. I would like to thank again the OCC development team (Andrey B, Kirill G, Sergey A, Ivan and others) and management (Alexander T and Michael K) for their support in...
Arbitrary law-based curve and surface modeling. Part 2
21:39 / BY Roman Lygin
(Continuation of part1) Same approach works for surfaces. In this case GeomConvert_ApproxSurface and Adaptor3d_Surface classes should be used in exact same manner. Below are a few examples of creating law surfaces. The first case is an example of creating a variable offset surface, where a surface is defined as follows: S(u,v) = B(u,v) + Offset(u,v) * N (u,v), where B(u,v) is a basis...
Arbitrary law-based curve and surface modeling
17:13 / BY Roman Lygin
A recent case with enhancing CAD Exchanger ACIS importer to broaden support of ACIS primitives inspired me to write this post. Like other modeling kernels, Open CASCADE comes with a finite set of supported types of curves and surfaces. For instance, for curves this includes lines and conic curves (circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas), B-Splines, Bezier curves, offset curves plus explicitly trimmed curves....